It’s so nice to finally meet you!”…The Antwerpian show
A selection of prints from students, alumni and teachers of the printmaking department of the Royal Academy of Fine Art, Antwerp, Belgium. Curated by Prof. Peter Bosteels.
Teaching staff: Hugo Besard, Peter Bosteels, Peter De Boeck, Lou Gils, Ingrid Ledent, Stijn Vanbrabant, Sanja Tomic
Students and alumni: Anneke Blennerhassett, Tom Boiy, Lotte Campforts, Paulien de Hornois, Diana Dota, Claudia Garcia de Sosa, Rune Gybels, Jochem Harteveld, Christophe Lemmens, Filip Metten, Luna Peeters, Sarah Philips, Rafael Rodriguez, Natalie Sarkisian, Gergely Suplics, Hasmik Sngryan, Tania Symonca, Sara Udedec, Marijke Van de Poel, Max Vanderperre, Elia Vanderheyden, Ellen Vangheluwe, Inge Van Hulst, Emma Vardanian, Marie Verplancke
Gallery talk Friday, January 17, noon, with Peter Bosteels
Image credit: Max Vanderperre