Certificate in Filmmaking: Production and Dramatic Writing
Students in this cross-disciplinary certificate practice the craft of filmmaking with courses in the Department of Theatre & Dance and the School of Art & Visual Studies.
Students completing the five-course, 15 credit hour certificate program will have learned filmmaking skills from faculty with training and experience in the field of video production, filmmaking and screenwriting, and will have written and produced their own short films. Successful completion of the certificate program will position students for careers in a variety of entertainment platforms and prepare students for entrance into graduate film schools.
Any UK student with a demonstrated interest in film/video production and dramatic writing can apply to be admitted to this Art & Visual Studies and Theatre & Dance interdisciplinary certificate program during registration windows for fall and spring sessions.
- Enrolling in courses and registering for the Certificate? Which comes first?
You can enroll in the required courses before you have been officially accepted into the Certificate program. In fact, in order to prepare the requirements for the application, it would be helpful to you if you took a few of the courses first. So, enroll in courses first, then apply for the Certificate later.
- In what order should I take the 5 required courses?
Here is a suggested sequence for completing the courses in a two-year period, but note that you can take longer to complete the course requirements:
Year 1:
Fall Semester
A-S 285 Lens Arts: A-S 285 is an introductory course in digital image making that focuses on the still and moving image as an art practice. Students will learn the fundamentals of camera operation and still and moving image editing software in order to build an individualized portfolio. Students will be introduced to contemporary lens arts practice through research and assignments.Spring Semester
TA 316 Dramatic Writing: Fundamentals: This course will introduce students to the art and craft of dramatic writing for stage and screen. Class work will involve required reading and discussion of playwriting and screenwriting texts and plays and screenplays by influential playwrights and screenwriters as well as writing exercises and workshops involving the reading of student-written assignments and discussion of the work. Prereq: Consent of instructor.A-S 346 Digital Video: An intermediate level course in which students learn video editing and compositing methods, color techniques, masking and key effects in the digital video application environment. Storyboarding, shot lists, and audio and sound design will be emphasized for all projects. Creative work may be collaborative and/or individual. Prereq: A-S 285 or consent of instructor.
Year 2:
Fall Semester
TA 436 Dramatic Writing: Screenwriting: An advanced dramatic writing course in the art and craft of screenwriting. Students will learn advanced techniques in plot structure, dramatic narrative, character arcs, expressive dialogue and visual storytelling in order to draft and complete carefully crafted and polished short screenplays. Prereq: TA 316Spring Semester
A-S 446 Digital Video Storytelling (capstone): A digital video class with emphasis placed on use of camera and postproduction editing and key framing skills for an advanced student. Curriculum will focus on the required creation of a series of short original video works. Industry practices of shot lists, color correction and post-production, such as AfterEffects will be explored in depth. Video works for this course can be 2-D animation, projection, installation or screen based. Prereq: A-S 346.- What is the deadline for applying for acceptance into the Certificate program?
There is no specific deadline for applying for the Certificate, except that you need to complete the Certificate application process at least two semesters before you plan to graduate (contact your academic adviser for more information). As noted above, you will likely need to enroll in a few of the courses to prepare the requirements for the application. Our advice is to proceed with your course requirements with the intention of creating the writing sample and the video sample after you have taken courses in screenwriting and video production.
- What are the requirements for the Certificate application?
Any UK student with a demonstrated interest in film/video production and dramatic writing can apply to be admitted to the certificate program, by completing the following:
1. A written statement demonstrating an interest and commitment to film/video production and dramatic writing
2. A resume/Curriculum Vita
3. A 5-7 page creative writing sample
4. A sample short (3-5 minute) film/video
5. Submit all of these materials, together, via email, to: doreen.maloney@uky.edu and herman.farrell3@uky.edu- What happens next?
Once you have submitted the above, we will review your application. If you are approved, we email you and we will alert your academic advisor. Then you will need to submit a Major Change Request through myUK Degree Planning & Registration to add the Certificate to your transcript.
If you have questions about this process, contact your Academic Advisor.
Any UK student with a demonstrated interest in film/video production and dramatic writing can apply to be admitted to the certificate program, by completing the following:
- A written statement demonstrating an interest and commitment to film/video production and dramatic writing
- A resume/Curriculum Vita
- A 5-7 page creative writing sample
- A sample short (3-5 minute) film/video
- Create an account on Submittable.
- Submit all of these materials together online via Submittable.
Once you have submitted your materials, we will review your application. If you are approved, we email you and we will alert your academic advisor. Then you will need to submit a Major Change Request through myUK Degree Planning & Registration to add the Certificate to your transcript.
Doreen Lamantia Maloney

Herman D. Farrell, III