Media Center
Art & Visual Studies Building, 236 Bolivar Street Lexington, KY 40506

SA/VS Media Center, Art and Visual Studies Building
The School of Art and Visual Studies has an extensive collection of equipment (cameras, tripods, drawing tablets, accessories, etc.) available for SAVS student and faculty checkout at the Media Center. The Media Center is a student resource to support their creative endeavors while studying at the School of Art and Visual Studies.
2024 Fall Hours
Please note the Media Center is closed 12:30-1:30pm for lunch.
- Monday: 9am-6pm
- Tuesday: 9am-6pm
- Wednesday: 9am-6pm
- Thursday: 9am-7pm
- Friday: 9am-5pm
The Media Center is subject to all campus wide closures for weather, emergencies, and other unusual circumstances. Be sure to double check UK Alerts before visiting to pick up or return equipment. If the Media Center must close due to other issues, notifications will be sent out where possible.
View Our Inventory and Reserve Equipment
Only students currently enrolled in Art Studio or DMDE courses will be permitted to borrow equipment. Students may create an online account to make reservations. Proof of enrollment will be verified by Media Center personnel. Borrowers will also be required to sign a statement of financial responsibility and acknowledge the terms and conditions of using Media Center equipment. Once your account has been verified, you can make online reservations through our MyTurn website.
Visit The Media Center at MyTurn
CONTACT: 859-257-4739
Media Center Policies
Keep your address current in the myUK System. Unpaid fines may result in suspension of borrowing privileges, as well as the withholding of transcripts, diplomas, and/or the blocking of class registration. It is the borrower's responsibility to read & understand our policy. SA/VS Media Center complies closely with all University of Kentucky Libraries' policies. As a borrower, you are responsible for all materials charged to your account. Your WildCard (ID) may not be loaned to another person. The card holder is responsible for all costs and consequences of card misuse.
- Who may borrow materials?
Checkout and use of technology and/or facilities is restricted to authorized students, faculty, or staff who are currently employed by or enrolled in a SA/VS program and present their current UK identification card at the time of checkout.
- How to Borrow Media Center Materials
First you will need to create an account on our online inventory system, MyTurn. Once you have created an account, you will need to read and sign the Statement of Financial Responsibility and then bring a valid UK WildCard Student ID to Media Center Circulation Desk. No other form of ID will be accepted to verify and activate your account.
- MyTurn
MyTurn is our online inventory system. You can use this to make a reservation and view your loan due dates. Myturn will send you courtesy emails that when your items are overdue. You can also view if you have any outstanding fines on your account. You can create an account on MyTurn by either selecting "Create Account" on the MyTurn site, or using the QR code provided. You will not be able to check items out until your account has been approved by Media Center Personnel. Please bring your WildCat ID to the Media Center for approval.
- Returning Media Center Materials
Technology (equipment) may ONLY be returned to the Media Center located in Room 120B, 236 Bolivar St. School of Art and Visual Studies Building. In case of fines, loss, & damages items will be given to the Program Facilitator. The item must be physically handed to either the circulation desk attendant or the Program Facilitator by the individual who checked out the item(s) originally. No one may return items on your behalf due to responsibility for damages.
- Overdues/Daily Fines
$5.00 per item, per day. Fines add up quickly. If your balance reaches $40 or more, you will not be permitted to check out items until your fines are paid. Fines must be paid within 2 weeks. Abuse of this system will result in loss of borrowing privileges at the discretion of the Program Facilitator. Replacement costs will be assessed to include shipping. The SA/VS Media Center is responsible for managing large collections of materials and must provide an incentive for these materials to be returned in a timely manner. Overdue fines are used as an incentive for borrowers to return items after a reasonable loan period, so that materials may be properly accounted for and can be made available for other borrowers. Overdue Notices are issued as a courtesy to all borrowers through text or email as available.
By checking out, the borrower agrees to all policies & use of their information for notification purposes. All legitimate objections to charges will be considered. Problems that do NOT constitute a legitimate basis for consideration are:
- Lack of knowledge or understanding of policies
- Disagreement with amount or fine structure
- Inability to pay fines and charges (Payment plan is not available per University policy)
- Loaning items that are checked out to you to a third party
- Failure to receive or read an overdue or courtesy notice
- Fines accrued during vacation & University holidays
- Conflict of work or school schedules that prohibit timely returns
SA/VS would much rather have items returned on time than to charge fines. We depend on this system to support our current checkout software so please return items on time and avoid overdue fines. Again, keep your address current in the myUK System. Unpaid fines may result in suspension of borrowing privileges, as well as the withholding of transcripts, diplomas, and/or the blocking of class registration.
- Claims Returned
If you believe you have returned material that is being billed as overdue, contact the staff at SA/VS Media Center. Personnel will search for the material but it will stay charged to you & a note will be given to the Program Facilitator. Further checkout ceases while your claim is in process.
If the item(s) are found, all charges will be removed. If the material is not found, you will be assessed a replacement value minus the overdue cost. If there appears to be a recurring pattern of items claimed to be returned or abuse of our returns policy, you will be charged the appropriate fines. During the claims returned process, you should continue to look for the item(s).
If you do find the item(s), return item(s) to Media Center. If no damage is found overdue fines will be assessed.
- Payments
All fine payments of cash & credit card (Visa/MasterCard/ApplePay) are accepted during posted hours at the Program Facilitator’s office Room 120, 236 Bolivar St. School of Art and Visual Studies Building. For more information, call (859) 257-4739 or leave voicemail.
Avoid fines by returning all materials on time.
We do our very best to maintain the posted hours of operation. There are times that we have to unexpectedly close. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.
- Loss of Materials
Lost items may be assessed a default replacement cost plus a non-refundable processing fee. After 45 days overdue, items are declared lost and assessed a default lost replacement and processing fee. If a lost item is returned, the replacement fee will be forgiven, however an overdue and/or processing fee will remain.
- Damage
If material is returned in a damaged condition, the Program Facilitator will determine cost of repair and bill accordingly. For items that cannot be repaired, the SA/VS will bill the borrower for replacement cost and a processing fee.
Learn more about the Media Center and its policies:
The Media Center is inside the Art and Visual Studies Building first floor atrium. There is a wheelchair-accessible entrance on the Broadway-facing parking lot. Elevators are accessible to all areas of the building (the Broadway side elevator goes between floors 1R and 2, and the elevator on the Upper Street side of the building goes from the Basement to the Third Floor).