Dancing with the Environment - Dance Concert Audition

Event Date(s)
Room 117A
Ticket Price
Registration Required
Poster Image

How to Audition

  1. Complete this dancer application prior to attending the live audition. Registration due by Sunday, September 8 at 12:00 pm (Noon, EDT).
  2. Attend the live audition.

The studio will open at 1:30 pm for you to warm up. You must be available for the entire audition time. Please notify Susie Thiel if you have questions/concerns and/or you are unable to attend the audition and would still like to be considered. Wear attire that will show clean lines of the body and not restrict or inhibit movement such as leotard and tights, unitard, leggings or for-fitted pants, form fitting tanks or shirt, etc. Please be prepared to dance barefoot. You may wish to bring ballet slippers or jazz shoes if you have them. Bring a journal or something else to write with and a writing utensil.

You will learn short phrase material or other activities from each choreographer and perform in small groups. You may be asked to perform each phrase only once. You are allowed to ask questions if you need clarification on the material.

There will be Five Dance Works, taking on themes of earth, water, fire, air, and outer space.

Resident Choreographers

  • Laura Neese - Air
    • Laura Neese will make a new work developing the theme of "air" through physical and metaphorical contexts: drawing from atmospheric pressure and weather patterns to notions of breath as life force.
  • Susie Thiel - EARTH
    • Currently I have been researching the role of trees throughout history in our ecosystems and I how these all intersect with women’s stories; how trees are for play, shelter, love and ultimately cherished memories. My question is how do we weave these ideas or “roots” from trees and environment to women and their stories?
  • Theresa Bautista - OUTER SPACE
    • Investigating scientific discoveries and theories, this work will explore the evolution of matter, the expansion of time, and our own significance in the vastness of space.

Guest Choreographer

  • Janie Morgan - Water
    • We will explore various aspects of Water. How it is a vital source of life, and the environmental impact on bodies of water. I envision movement material that is luscious, fluid, momentous, and hopefully surprising. I anticipate lots of partner work/group lifts and a cast that is willing to dive into an improvisational approach to creating. Looking for a large cast

Student Choreographer

  • Jasmine Singer - Fire
    • My work will embody the pure energy, power, and resilience of the element of fire through movement. Growing up, I witnessed the aftermath of a few different wildfires that happened in the Southern California area. Some of my most vivid memories of these incidents were hearing how quickly the fires spread and engulf everything in its path, seeing ash fall from the sky, and smelling the smoke in the air. Even though I was never directly impacted by these wildfires I was always amazed by the danger and destruction that something so beautiful could cause. While researching the element of fire, I learned that it is self-perpetuating. The process of combustion uses less energy to occur than it creates, so fire can fuel itself endlessly. This theme of continuously fueling ones power is one that would be present in my work.

Concert Participation Information

Attend all dance work rehearsals (typically 1-2 times per week, per work- 3-4 hours a week per dance) unless a conflict is indicated in your application form.

  • Cue to Cue Tech rehearsal #1 dates: January 30-January 31
  • Tech rehearsal #2 date: Monday,  February 3
  • Dress rehearsal dates: Tuesday-Thursday, February 4-6
  • Concert performance dates:  Friday - Sunday, February 7-9
Contact Email
Created 08/19/2024
Last Updated 08/19/2024