UK has a long history of excellence in trumpet. UK has twice hosted the International Trumpet Guild Conference, first in 1982 (Vince DiMartino, host) and again in 1998 (Terry Everson, host). UK hosted the National Trumpet Competition in 2019. The UK Trumpet Ensemble has performed at multiple International Trumpet Guild Conference and has taken first prize at the National Trumpet Competition (2004) as well as second prize in 2016 and 2014. The UK trumpet ensemble has recorded two compacts discs, Competition Pieces for Trumpet Ensemble (2015) and Andromeda: New Music for Trumpet Ensembles (2019).
The UK trumpet studio has an esteemed reputation for placement into full-time positions as college professors, band directors, military musicians, orchestral performers, church musicians, and arts administrators. Examples of recent UK trumpet graduates include Julian Kaplan (principal trumpet, Kansas City Symphony), Marisa Youngs (trumpet professor, Winthrop University), Sabrina Musick (U.S. Marine Band, San Diego), Rui Li (National Center for Performing Arts Orchestra, China), and Matthew McMahon (Admin, St. Louis Symphony). UK trumpeters have also recently won first prize (Chase Hawkins) and third prize (Jared Wallis) in the National Trumpet Competition's solo divisions as well.
UK is particularly recognized for its excellence in historical brass. New in 2017, UK offers a Certificate in Baroque Trumpet to prepare students for trailblazing opportunities in the rapidly growing field of Baroque trumpet performance. The UK Baroque Trumpet Ensemble, one of the largest in the world, has recorded two compact discs: Music for Natural Trumpets (2017) and John Hyde: A New and Complete Preceptor for Trumpet and Bugle Horn (2020). During their studies at UK, Baroque trumpet students have been employed with professional baroque orchestras including Mountainside Baroque (Cumberland, MD) and Bourbon Baroque (Louisville, KY).
Jason Dovel joined the UK trumpet faculty in 2013 after establishing a large, dynamic trumpet program in Oklahoma at Northeastern State University. Dovel's teaching and performing interests are quite broad. His creative activities range from playing Baroque trumpet and Renaissance cornetto to performing avant-garde contemporary music. In 2012, Dovel published the only anthology of music for trumpet and computer in the article, "A Guide to Literature for Trumpet with Electroacoustic Accompaniment" in the International Trumpet Guild Journal. Dovel encourages students' pursuits of all aspects of music and encourages them to seek a well-rounded musical education.
Check below for information on audition requirements for both Undergraduate and Graduate Applicants, baroque trumpet opportunities, special classes with guest artist, and more.
See the Trumpet Ensemble page if you are interested in performing with a student group - open to all UK students by audition, regardless of major or minor.
Jason Dovel

- Undergraduate Auditions
Students wishing to gain admittance into undergraduate programs with a concentration in Trumpet should be prepared to present the following material in an audition:
- Two contrasting works that demonstrate your ability technically and musically. One of these can be your All-State or District solo.
- Major and Chromatic Scales as requested.
- Possible Sight Reading.
- Any additional material that you feel exemplifies your musicianship and versatility (i.e. excerpts, jazz, etc.)
Please direct any questions to:
- Masters Auditions
Students wishing to gain admittance into the Master of Music program with a concentration in Trumpet should be prepared to present the following material in an audition:
- A 15-20 minute audition consisting of repertoire that demonstrates your ability technically and musically.
- At least two contrasting solo works. (Single movements from larger works are acceptable.)
- At least three standard orchestral excerpts. (Students interested in a jazz emphasis may substitute a transcription and demonstration of jazz improvisation in lieu of orchestral excerpts.)
It is recommended (not required) that you select from the following orchestral excerpts:
- Beethoven – Leonore Overture (2 and 3)
- Mussorgsky – Pictures at an Exhibition (Promenade)
- Respighi – Pines of Rome (off-stage solo)
- Stravinsky - Petrushka (Ballerina’s Dance)
- Mahler – Symphony No. 5
You may also feel free to play any additional material that exemplifies your musicianship and versatility. (i.e. jazz improvisation, lead trumpet, baroque trumpet, etc.)
Piano accompaniment is not required.
There may be sight reading.Please direct any questions to:
- Doctoral Auditions
Students wishing to gain admittance into doctoral level programs with a concentration in Trumpet should be prepared to present the following material in an audition:
- A 20-30 minute audition consisting of repertoire that demonstrates your ability technically and musically.
- At least three contrasting solo works. (Single movements from larger works are acceptable.)
- At least three standard orchestral excerpts. It is recommended (not required) that you select from the following orchestral excerpts:
- Beethoven – Leonore Overture (2 and 3)
- Mussorgsky – Pictures at an Exhibition (Promenade)
- Respighi – Pines of Rome (off-stage solo)
- Stravinsky - Petrushka (Ballerina’s Dance)
- Mahler – Symphony No. 5 (opening solo)
You may also feel free to play any additional material that exemplifies your musicianship and versatility. (i.e. jazz improvisation, lead trumpet, baroque trumpet, etc.)
Piano accompaniment is not required. There may be sight reading.Please direct any questions to:
- Baroque Trumpet
The Baroque (or "natural") trumpet is the valveless ancestor of the modern trumpet. The University of Kentucky is one of the few universities in the country that offers early brass opportunities to its students. A Certificate in Baroque Trumpet is now available for those wishing to specialize their brass education. Students who are interested may check out a Baroque trumpet and receive private instruction. Students should notify Dr. Dovel early in the semester about their interest in early music, as a limited number of instruments are available.
Listen to the UK Baroque Trumpet Ensemble perform David Buhl's Military Fanfare on YouTube.
Students who are studying Baroque trumpet are expected to have a copy of Ed Tarr's The Art of the Baroque Trumpet Playing, Volume One and bring it to each of their lessons. This book is available for purchase at the Baroque Trumpet Shop.
Required Text: Ed Tarr, The Art of Baroque Trumpet Playing, Vol 1
Students participating in Baroque Trumpet Ensemble should enroll in MUC 171: Baroque Trumpet Ensemble.
Students taking private lessons should sign up for one of the following courses:
MUP 622 Section 001 - HISTORICAL INSTRUMENTS: BAROQUE TRUMPETSerious students who are interested in the Renaissance cornetto may also incorporate study on that instrument into their private lessons. The cornetto is a hybrid instrument, with a wooden body similar to that of a recorder and a trumpet-like mouthpiece. The cornetto (Italian) is also know as the cornett (English) and the zink (German). Currently, UK does not own any cornetti, so interested students must provide their own instruments.
- Guest Artists
- US Army Baroque Trumpets, United States Army Old Guard Historical Trumpets (Worked with students as part of UK Baroque Trumpet Day as well as UK BrassFest)
- Friedemann Immer, Hochschule für Musik Köln (Cologne, Germany) (February 22, 2016)
- Anthony Plog, International Performer/composer (February 25, 2016)
- Terry Everson, Professor, Boston University (March 2, 2016)
- Matthew Ernst, Principal Trumpet, Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra (March 24, 2016)
- Rex Richardson, International Performer (April 14, 2016)
- Allen Vizzutti, International Performer (April 22-24, 2016)
- Nate Wooley, New York-based jazz and avant-garde trumpeter (
- Etienne Stoupy, Trumpet professor, Texas Woman's University
- John Foster, Australian trumpeter and international soloist (Offered private lessons, presented a master class, and performed a concert with UK students. Mr. Foster specializes on the Baroque natural trumpet.)
- Curt Christensen, Retired principal trumpet of the U.S. Air Force Band in Washington, DC
- Dr. Gary Wurtz, Stephen F. Austin State University in Texas (visited the UK Trumpet Studio to present a master class)
- Dr. Max Matzen, Trumpet professor at Utah State University (Presented a master class , as well as a lecture recital "Extended Techniques for the Trumpet")
- Dr. Brad Ulrich, Western Carolina University
- Dr. Eric Yates, University of Alabama, Fortress Brass Quintet
- Dr. Anne Kovarik McNamara, Trumpet Professor, Campbellsville University (Presented a mini recital and master class), Anne, Dr. Jason Dovel (UK trumpet professor), and Steve Siegel (UK trumpet TA) all were students of James Kluesner in Virginia
- Dr. Brittany Hendricks, Ball State University (Presented a master class in the Black Box Theatre and a recital in the Niles Gallery)
- Gaudette Brass, Professional brass quintet based in Chicago, as part of UK BrassFest
- Dr. Denny Edelbrock, Executive Director, National Trumpet Competition and trumpet professor at George Mason University
- Langston Fitzgerald, Professor of Trumpet, Penn State University
- Logan Place, Professor of Trumpet, Southeastern Louisiana University (Dr. Place played a solo recital in Memorial Hall, and presented a master class in St. Augustine's Chapel)
- Jonathan Stites, 3rd Trumpet, Jacksonville Symphony Orchestra (Florida), UK alum (BMME and BM)
- Dr. Robert Murray, Professor of Trumpet, Columbus State University (Georgia)
- Dr. Jason Crafton, Trumpet professor, Virginia Tech
- Dr. Ryan Gardner, Trumpet professor, Oklahoma State
- Dr. Raquel Rodriguez, Trumpet professor, Northern Kentucky University
- Rich Illman, Trumpet professor, Michigan State University
- U.S. Air Force Wright Brass Quintet, Guests as part of UK BrassFest
- Stephen Campbell, Principal trumpet of the Lexington Philharmonic
- Stiletto Brass Quintet, The highly acclaimed all-female quintet presented a clinic in September
- Alan Seibert -President of the International Trumpet Guild, Professor of Trumpet, Cincinnati College-Conservatory of Music
- Arturo Sandoval, Internationally performing trumpet soloist
- Accolades
- The UK Faculty Brass Quintet performed and taught throughout the SEC as part of the SEC Faculty Travel Program in 2019-2020 (Read more)
- The UK Trumpet Studio hosted the 2019 National Trumpet Competition on UK’s Campus, where they had three ensembles perform as well as three soloists.
- UK trumpet studio released its third CD, titled Andromeda: New Music for Trumpet Ensemble. (2019)
- UK Alum Jared Wallis placed third at the national trumpet in the Graduate solo division of the 2019 National Trumpet Competition.
- Jeff Barrington was appointed trumpet instructor at Campbellsville University. (2019)
- Marissa Young was appointed trumpet professor at Winthrop University. (2018)
- Steve Siegel was appointed assistant professor of trumpet at Western Colorado University. (2018)
- Alumni
- Clinton Linkmeyer (DMA in progress) - Second Trumpet, Waynesboro Symphony Orchestra (Virginia)
- Stephen Wadsack (DMA in progress) - instructor of trumpet at Wright State University
- Clint Linkmeyer (DMA in progress) – instructor of trumpet at Eastern Mennonite University
- Samuel Oliveri (DMA in progress) – instructor of trumpet at Arkansas State University
- Bailey Goff (BM '23) - Music Teacher, Fayette County Public Schools (Coventry Elementary School)
- Nathan Brom (MM '22) - Band Specialist at Knox County Schools (Tennessee)
- Neal Grindstaff (MM '22 and BMME '19) - Assistant Band Director at Montgomery High School
- Madison Barton (MM 2022) now pursing DM at Florida State as Trumpet TA
- Drew Reynolds (BM 2022) now pursuing MM and Certificate in Baroque Trumpet at University of Kentucky
- Taylor Huffaker (BMME '21) - Director of Bands at Powell County High School
- Javier Salinas (MM ’21) – instructor of trumpet at Texas A&M Kingsville
- David Vest (BM 2021) now pursuing MM at University of North Texas
- Javier Salinas (MM 2021) now pursuing DMA at University of Texas – Austin
- Abby Temple (BM '20) - adjunct instructor at University of Kentucky
- Abby Temple (BM 2020) completed her MM at Longy School of Music
- Jessica Lambert (BA '20) - Trumpet Instructor, Frisco Indepdent School District, Frisco, Texas
- Jeff Barrington (DMA ’19) - lecture of brass/trumpet at Asbury University
- Tyran Ellis (BMME ’19) - Director of Bands at Lewis County High School
- Will Lovan (BM 2019) now pursuing his master’s degree in performance at UCLA with Jens Lindemann as a teaching assistant
- Coleman Scott (BMME 2019) received MM at University of Colorado-Boulder, now pursuing DMA at Louisiana State University as Trumpet TA
- Matthew Coile (BA 2019) is now pursing a PhD at Northwestern University
- Rhiannon Montgomery (BA 2019) is now pursuing doctoral study at the University of Kentucky College of Pharmacy
- Zac Byrd (BA 2019) receive the first-ever fellowship to study the brewing industry through an individualized graduate program at the University of Kentucky (Fall 2019)
- Marisa Youngs (DMA ’18) - instructor of trumpet at Winthrop University
- Shelby Napier (BMME, ‘18) - band director at Royal Spring Middle School in Georgetown, KY
- Shelby Napier (BMME 2018) now pursuing MM at University of Kentucky
- Zach Robinson (BMME 2018) now pursues a MM in music therapy at the University of Kentucky
- Caden Holmes (BM 2017) won Trumpet Teaching Assistantship at Oklahoma State University in Fall 2017
- Steven Siegel (DMA ’17) - assistant professor of music at Univ. of Wisconsin-Superior
- DiaShamar Marshall (BMME 2017) band director at Lawrence Central High School in Indianapolis, Indiana
- Conner Kinmon (BMME 2017) - Director of Bands at Henderson County High School in
Henderson, KY - Katie Safa (BMME 2017) -Director of Bands at Barker Middle School in Michigan City, Indiana
- Stacy Simpson (DMA '16) - coordinator of chamber music and instructor of trumpet at Bellarmine University
- Michael Black (DMA '16) - assistant professor of music at Northwestern Oklahoma State University
- Sean Piatt (BMME, 2016) – band director at Harrison County High School
- Michael Cotten (BMME, 2016) - Director of Bands at Hector High School in Russellville, Arkansas. Previously band director La Salle Catholic School in Cincinnati.
- Sabrina Musick (BMME 2016)- trumpeter with the U.S. Marine Band in San Diego, California.
- Ray Li (DMA 2015), performs full-time with the National Centre for Performing Arts Orchestra in Beijing, China
- Jared Wallis (BM '15) - assistant professor of trumpet at Ithaca College (& adjunct Baroque trumpet instructor at the Eastman School of Music)
- Jared Wallis (BM 2015) completed both a MM and DMA at the Eastman School of Music as Trumpet TA
- Robert Elliott, who graduated from UK in 2015, won a Teaching Assistantship at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro, where he is pursuing a Doctor of Musical Arts in trumpet performance.
- Phillip Chase Hawkins (MM 2014) Principal Trumpet of the Knoxville Symphony Orchestra.
- Marisa Youngs - Third Trumpet, Fayetteville Symphony Orchestra (North Carolina)
- Stacy Simpson, Louisville Orchestra
- Caden Holmes, Baytown Symphony Orchestra
- Ally VerSteegh, Special Events Coordinator for Lyric Opera of Chicago
- Matthew McMahon, Artist Operations Coordinator, St. Louis Symphony Orchestra
- Joel Crawford, Recording Engineer, Cincinnati Public Media/Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra
- Taylor Gustad, Pickett Brass
- Franki Arroyo, Production Technician, WTVQ-DT ABC TV station
- John Altman, U.S. Army Jazz Ambassadors
- Timothy Altman (DMA Trumpet Performance), former Director of Bands, University of North Carolina-Pembroke
- Peter Bellino, Trumpet Professor, Schenectady Community College (New York), Performances with the Buffalo Philharmonic, New York Repertory Orchestra, Air Force Band of the Midwest, Walt Disney World, Jeff Tyzik and Gap Mangione Big Bands, Aretha Franklin, Doc Severinsen, Jamey Aebersold, Oliver Lake and James Williams.
- Lamar Boulet, Freelance trumpeter, Houston, TX, Disney All Collegiate Orchestra and Medley Band, 1989, Jazz Writing Scholarship at University of Maimi, 1991-1993, Universal Studios, Orlando, 1994-2012
- Brandon Craswell (DMA Trumpet Performance), Trumpet Professor and Brass Area Chair, University of Georgia
- Tim Dailey (BM Performance, BMME Music Education), MM Performance - University of Arkansas (Trumpet Studio Graduate Assistant), 2011, D.M.A. Performance - University of Cincinnati College-Conservatory of Music (Trumpet Studio Graduate Assistant), 2013
- James Darling, Former member, The Cleveland Orchestra, Recording Artist
- Evan Duke, Duke Music Studio, Distinctive Music Studio, Artios Academy, Trumpet & French Horn Instruction, Masterclass Clinician, Brass Coach, GCYO
- Todd Hastings, Professor of Trumpet at Pittsburg State University (KS)
- Brad Goode, Associate Professor of Jazz Studies, University of Colorado
- Phillip Chase Hawkins (MM), Principal Trumpet, Knoxville Symphony Orchestra
- Dwayne Hollenbach, Lecturer of Trumpet, University of Nevada at Reno, Principal trumpet, Reno Baroque Ensemble
- Gordon Henderson, Former Director of Bands, Professor of Music, Vice Chair of the Music Department at UCLA
- Caden Holmes (BM), trumpet teaching assistantship at Oklahoma State University
- Richard Illman, Former Professor of Trumpet, Michigan State University
- Al Hood, Professor of Trumpet, University of Denver
- Bart Jones, 3rd Trumpet, Tuscaloosa Symphony Orchestra, New Hampshire Music Festival, Formerly member of Alabama Symphony Orchestra, the Oklahoma Symphony Orchestra, Chamber Orchestra of Oklahoma City, Queen City Brass Quintet, Lexington Philharmonic Orchestra, and Lakeside Symphony
- Julian Kaplan, Principal Trumpet, Kansas City Symphony, Formerly Principal Trumpet, Jacksonville Symphony Orchestra
- Conner Kinmon, Director of Bands at Henderson County High School in Henderson, KY
- Paul Klontz, Trumpet in The U.S. Army "Pershing's Own," 1990-Present, Assistant Professor of Trumpet at University of Montana at Billings 1990-1991
- DiaShamar Marshall, Appointed band director at Lynhurst 7th and 8th Center in Indianapolis, Indiana. Also in 2017, DiaShamar was appointed an instructor with the Cadets DCI Drum Corps.
- Rui "Ray" Li (DMA), full-time musician in the trumpet section of the National Centre for Performing Arts Orchestra in Beijing, China
- Doug Martin, Lawyer for Sturgill, Turner, Barker & Moloney, PLLC
- Eric Masters, Band Director, Paris High School
- Sam Miller, Lawyer in Texas
- Michael Miles, former Associate Director of Orchestral Activities, Professor of Music, former Director of the School of Music, University of Southern Mississippi
- Eric Millard, Completed Master's degree at Florida State; currently pursuing doctorate at Florida State
- Sabrina Musick, Trumpeter in the U.S. Marine Band
- Eric Murine, Director of the University of Kentucky RocKats, Trumpet, Soul Funkin Dangerous
- Tara Nogle, Public school music teacher
- Rob Parton, Professor of Trumpet, Capital University
- Paul Rathke, Fine Arts Chair, Grand Prairie Regional College in Canada (Alberta, Canada)
- Katie Safa (MM), Director of Bands at Barker Middle School in Michigan City, Indiana
- Steven Siegel, Lecturer of Music at Western State Colorado University in Gunnison, CO
- Stuart Smith, Faculty, Mclean School of Music (McLean, Virginia)
- Greg Sturgill (MM), Trumpet Instructor, Campbellsville College 1994, Full Tuition Scholarship for doctoral study at University of Cincinnati, 1991, U.K. Concerto Competition Winner, 1990, Aspen Award, 1990
- Jonathan Stites, Band director for Fayette County Schools, Kentucky, Formerly 3rd Trumpet, Jacksonville Symphony Orchestra
- Tim Stutler, Minister of Music in Glasgow, KY, First Trumpet Disney All Collegiate Band 1989, First Trumpet at Busch Gardens at Williamsburg 1990-1991
- Bernard Walker, Nashville freelance and studio performer, Teaching Fellowship at Arkansas State University, Trumpet in The Memphis Symphony, Solo Eb Cornet in The Jack Daniel's Silver Cornet Band
- Jared Wallis (BM) Teaching Assistant, Eastman School of Music
- Steve Walters, Teaching Assistant at The Eastman School of Music 1982, ITG Jazz Finalist in 1979, Freelance musician Orlando, Florida
- David Welch, Teaching Assistantship at University of Northern Colorado 1985, Glenn Miller Orchestra, 1986-1987 (Lead Trumpet), Employed at Disney Productions in Orlando 1989-1994, Music teacher in Jefferson Co. Schools, Owner and trumpet player at Louisville Brass Quintet
- Media
UK Trumpet Ensemble prize-winning performance at the 2014 National Trumpet Competition
Dr. Dovel
Quarantine (original composition, Jason Dovel, trumpet)
El Cielo Estrellado for trumpet and piano by Robert Jeter (Jason Dovel, trumpet)
Sonata for Trumpet, III. Presto for trumpet and piano by C.H. Biber (Jason Dovel, trumpet)
Cantus for Trumpet and Electronics by Eric Nathan (Jason Dovel, trumpet)
Variations on My Old Kentucky Home by William Rimmer (Cornet soloist with the Lexington Brass Band, Jason Dovel, trumpet)
Et Planetarum for unaccompanied trumpet: I. Mercury (Jason Dovel, trumpet)
Et Planetarum for unaccompanied trumpet: IV. Mars (Jason Dovel, trumpet)
A Stroll Through Kalavrita for trumpet and piano (Jason Dovel, trumpet)UK Trumpet Ensemble
There's a Great Day Comin' arr. Terry Everson
emBouldened Fanfare (Jason Dovel original composition)
"Into The Blue" (Kevin McKee)
"The Storm's Path" (Brian Balmages)
"Soundings" (Brian Balmages)UK Baroque Trumpet Ensemble
Rocky (Sonata Tedesche da Tromba) arr. Jason Dovel
Handel - To God, Our Strength, Sing Loud and Clear
La Morisque from Danserye (Tielman Susato) arr. Jason Dovel
Military ("Olympic") Fanfare
"Overture from William Tell" (arr. Jason Dovel)
Six Prussian Calvary Marches (arr. Baum)
Improvised SonataTrumpet Alums
Rui Li, trumpet plays "Night Songs" with the UK Symphony Orchestra
Rui Li Free Improv Video
Rui Li plays "Water Music" (Free Improv piece)
Chase Hawkins plays "Ligeti's Mysteries of the Macabre (Live performance as winner in the Graduate Solo Division at the 2012 National Trumpet Competition)
Chase Hawkins plays "Litany for a Ruined Chapel Between Sheep and Shore" (Peter Maxwell Davies)- Summer Opportunities
Students are encourage to participate in the many summer opportunities that exist for brass players. These are wonderful opportunities for growth in the summer months. Some of these festivals offer financial compensation, some offer scholarships, and some are pay-to-play. If you have questions about any of these festivals, visit the festival website or contact your professor for their experience.
Please note: The University of Kentucky and the College of Fine Arts cannot guarantee these opportunities or the legitimacy of these employers. Please visit the websites for official information, and be sure to do thorough research before committing time and especially money to any project.
- Blue Lake Fine Arts Camp (Michigan)
- Interlochen Arts Camp (Michigan)
- Disney All-American College Band
- Carnival Cruise Lines
- Cruise Ship Job Center
- Music Academy of the West (California)
- Aspen Music Fesival (Colorado)
- Bar Harbor Brass Week (Maine)
- Chautauqua Music Festival (New York)
- Eastern Music Festival (North Carolina)
- Festival Institute at Round Top (Texas)
- National Repertory Orchestra (Colorado)
- New England Music Camp (Maine)
- Pacific Music Festival (Japan)
- Rafael Mendez Brass Institute (Colorado)
- Rocky Ridge Music Center (Colorado)
- Sewanee Summer Music Festival (Tennessee)
- Texas Music Festival (Texas)
- Oregon Bach Festival Berwick Academy (Oregon)
- Oberlin Baroque Performance Institute (Ohio)
- Symphony Orchestra Academy of the Pacfic (Canada)
- Atlanta Music Festival (Maine)
- Blast of Brass (Texas)
- Brevard Music Center (North Carolina)
- GVSU Trumpet Seminar (Michigna)
- Kennedy Center Orchestral Institute (Washington, D.C.)
- Jamey Aebersold Jazz Camp (Kentucky)
- Marrowstone Summer Music Program (Washington)
- New York Summer Music Festival (New York)
- Teaching Assistants
Kody Jernigan
Kody Jernigan will begin his doctoral studies at the University of Kentucky in the Fall of 2023 under the mentorship of Jason Dovel, where he will serve as the Jazz Trumpet Teaching Assistant.
Currently, Kody teaches at five schools as a brass instructor and music educator, impacting the lives of over 250 students weekly. He instructs a private lesson studio and freelances as a performer in orchestras, pit ensembles for musicals, rock bands, jazz bands, and large scale stage productions. Kody has been recorded on many solo artist albums based out of West Virginia, and has performed on the tour shows of international blues artist Johnny Rawls, and Las Vegas star Robbie Howard. He attributes much of his success to his teachers, professors and mentors throughout his years of study and apprenticeship, including Eric Siereveld, Greg Wing, Steven Pederson, Derle Long, and Aaron Witek.
Kody’s previous education includes a BME from the University of Louisiana, and a MM in Trumpet Performance from Morehead State University.
While at the University of Louisiana at Monroe, Kody was involved in many different musical organizations and ensembles. Some of these included ULM’s, Wind Ensemble, Jazz Ensemble, Brass Quintet, Trumpet Ensemble, Pit Orchestra, Sound of Today Marching Band, Percussion Ensemble, Basketball Band, Concert Choir, and Concert Band. During this time, he was sought after in the area as a trumpet player and educator. In the summer of 2018 Kody established his own band “Six O’Clock Traffic”, a funk fusion ensemble performing hit songs from the past 50 years, who still perform in his absence. He also held residencies as brass faculty at many highschools around the Northeast Louisiana area. Kody was recognized by ULM and the School of Visual and Performing Arts many times, receiving the Certificate of Excellence in Performance in 2017 and 2019, Outstanding Student of Music Award in 2018 and 2019, and the Band Honor Award in 2017.
From 2020–2022, Kody studied with Greg Wing at Morehead State University as his Graduate Assistant. His time at MSU was spent developing his professional profile, and on days he was not on campus, he could be found traveling across the tri-state area teaching and performing.
Kody is eager to begin his studies at the University of Kentucky, and is excited to have the opportunity to connect with the faculty and students there.
Julia Stowell
Julia Stowell is a first-year DMA student at the University of Kentucky (UK) where she serves as a Teaching Assistant in the trumpet studio. In this role, she teaches trumpet lessons to music majors and minors, teaches Brass Methods, conducts the Trumpet Ensemble, and serves as the UK Summer Trumpet Institute Youth Camp Director. Prior to her position at the UK, she was Trumpet Instructor at the Illinois Community Music Academy, Monticello Junior and Senior High Schools, and Mahomet-Seymour Junior and Senior High Schools. She earned a Master of Music in Trumpet Performance/Literature from the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, where she studied with Dr. Amy Gilreath. She is a graduate of The Crane School of Music at the State University of New York at Potsdam, where she graduated Summa Cum Laude with a Bachelor of Music in Music Education. She has also had the honor of performing in masterclasses for Esteban Batallán, Nancy Taylor, Joe Burgstaller, and others. Her principal teachers include Jason Dovel, Amy Gilreath, Buddy Deshler, Clark Hunt, James Madeja, and Josh Nightingale.
Since arriving at UK, Julia has played with the Lexington Theatre Orchestra, and currently holds the role of Principal Trumpet in the UK Symphony Orchestra. Previously, she was principal trumpet of the Illinois Wind Symphony, the Crane Wind Ensemble, and the Crane Symphony Orchestra. She is a versatile musician, fluent in music outside of the classical idiom. During her time with the Crane Latin Ensemble, she toured Puerto Rico. She has three times played in trumpet ensembles that advanced to the quarter-finals in the National Trumpet Competition. Her accolades include winning the ITG Conference Scholarship Competition, being named as a University of Illinois Research Live! Finalist, and multiple other performance and academic scholarships.
An advocate for fostering the next generation of musicians, she serves as the Graduate Representative for the International Trumpet Guild Emerging Professionals Committee, as well as a mentor for the Future in Music Mentorship Program. She has also been fortunate to have been a conference panelist at the Eastern Division of the National Association for Music Education (E-NAfME) Conference, and the New York State School Music Association (NYSSMA) Cyber Summit Conference during her time on the State Collegiate NYSSMA & NAFME board. During her summers, she works as the Assistant Resident Director at Crane Youth Music.
Victor Yuen
Victor Yuen, a native of Hong Kong, is a third-year doctoral student and teaching assistant in trumpet performance (DMA) and music theory (PhD) at the University of Kentucky, under Jason Dovel (trumpet), Michael Baker, Jennifer Campbell, and Kevin Holm-Hudson (music theory). Before starting at UK, Victor attended the Eastman School of Music, where he earned a BM in 2016 and a MM in 2019, under the tutelage of Professor James Thompson. Victor also studies Baroque trumpet with Jason Dovel, Brain Shaw and Jared Wallis, and is currently pursuing the Baroque Trumpet Certificate at UK.
Victor is an active member in various international groups in and out of school, including Seven Hills Baroque, die Konzertisten (HK), Lexington Brass Band, and University of Kentucky Symphony Orchestra. In the past, Victor has performed with Opera Hong Kong, Acadiana Symphony Orchestra, Eastman Wind Ensemble, Ensemble Perihipsous, and Finger Lakes Festival Orchestra. Victor also performed with the late international pop star Coco Lee, Grammy Award winner Jerry Freeman and Darnell Phillips, and S.O.S. Band members Abdul Ra’oof and Sultan Muhammad.
In 2022, Victor won third place in the North American Baroque Trumpet Competition. For music theory, Victor has been awarded the Rob Schultz Memorial Award in 2023, in recognition of his exceptional achievement in musical theory at UK.
Victor also holds different roles for various music organizations, including volunteer youth competition coordinator and coach for the ITG Conference, book reviewer for the ITG Journal, staff at the University of Kentucky Summer Trumpet Institute, and social media officer for the Trumpet Guild of the University of Kentucky. Moreover, Victor is an entrepreneur in the brass instrument industry and has been the owner of Beverly Music Co. in Chicago since 2021.
Trombone students at the University of Kentucky are actively engaged in world-class performance opportunities in all styles and genres of music. Trombone Students at the University of Kentucky have many diverse performance opportunities such as the Trombone Choir, the Wind Symphony, the Symphony Band, the Concert Band, the Opera Orchestra, the Jazz Ensemble, the Jazz Lab Band, Jazz Combos, the Wildcat Marching Band, and the Symphony Orchestra. We are proud to acknowledge the fact that members of the studio recently performed with the University of Kentucky Jazz Ensemble at both the North Sea and Montreux Jazz Festivals in Europe while simultaneously preparing for the University of Kentucky Symphony Orchestra’s side-by-side concert with the Boston Pops.
- Recent Graduate School Acceptances
- Berklee School of Music
- Boise State University
- Boston Conservatory
- DePaul University
- Manhattan School of Music
- Royal Irish Academy
- University of Texas
- San Francisco Conservatory
- Yale University
- Recent Positions in Higher Education
- Asbury University
- Eastern Kentucky University
- Missouri Southern State University
- Oklahoma City University
- Universidade Federal da Paraiba (Brazil)
- Recent Performing Experiences
- Amazonas Philharmonic (Brazil)
- Asheville Symphony
- Aspen Music Festival and School
- Atlanta Symphony
- Broadway Touring Productions
- Carnival Cruise Lines
- International Trombone Festival
- Irish National Opera
- Louisville Orchestra
- Mikhailovsky Theater (Russia)
- Norwegian Cruise Line
- Princeton Symphony
- US Air Force Academy Band
- World Famous Glen Miller Orchestra
- Media
- UK Trombone Studio YouTube page
- Freshman Chase Fleming solos on Blues in Hoss Flat at the Montreux Jazz Festival
- Junior Josh Dargavell solos on Buckeye Blues at the North Sea Jazz Festival
- Professor Brad Kerns solos with the DiMartino/Osland Jazz Orchestra
- The final selection for the first annual Commonwealth Trombone Summit
- Professor Brad Kerns performing Trombone Institute of Technology (Michael Davis) with bass trombonist Louis Bremer
- Professor Brad Kerns performing UK Alumni Terrence Wright’s Compilation
- Alumni Dave Ashley performing with the DiMartino/Osland Jazz Orchestra
To schedule a visit and for more information on Undergraduate and Graduate studies within the University of Kentucky Trombone Studio, please contact Professor Bradley Kerns.
Bradley Kerns

The University of Kentucky Tuba-Euphonium Studio consists of students pursuing undergraduate and graduate degrees in music as well as talented non-majors throughout the university. The UK Tuba/Euphonium Studio was founded by Rex Conner, the first full-time Professor of Tuba and Euphonium at any university in the world, in the Fall of 1960. Professor Conner led the UK Tuba/Euphonium Studio from 1960 to 1980, Dr. Skip Gray led the studio from 1980 to 2018, and Dr. Matt Hightower led the studio from 2018-2023. The studio is currently under the direction of Dr. Brandon Smith. Tuba and Euphonium students have an opportunity to perform with the UK Tuba-Euphonium Ensemble.
Brandon A. Smith

- Undergraduate Auditions
For Undergraduate auditions, please prepare two contrasting works. These can be etudes or contrasting movements/sections from a solo work. Scales up to four sharps, four flats, and sight reading may be asked.
Recommended Studies - Tuba
- Marco Bordogni : 43 Bel Canto Studies
- Concone/Shoemaker Legato Etudes for tuba/bass trombone
- Clarke Technical Studies
- Reginald Fink Studies in Legato
- Vladislav Blazehvich: 70 Tuba Studies Vol I
- Vladislav Blazehvich: 70 Tuba Studies Vol II
- C. Kopprash 60 Selected Studies for Tuba
- H.W. Tyrell 40 Advanced Studies for Tuba
- Phil Snedecor Low Etudes for Tuba Vol I
- Phil Snedecor Low(er) Etudes for Tuba Vol II
- The Brass Gym
- Michael Davis 20 Minute Warm Up
- Full Range Major/Minor Scales & Arpeggios
Recommended Excerpts - Tuba
- Stars & Stripes-Sousa
- Toccata Marziale-Vaughan Williams
- The Planets-Holst
- Ein Heldenleben-Strauss
- Ride of the Valkyries-Wagner
- Die Meistersinger Overture-Wagner
- Ein Faust Overture-Wagner
- Symphony No. 5-Prokofiev
- Hungarian March-Berlioz
- Symphony No. 1-Mahler
- Symphony No. 5-Mahler
- Pertroushka-Stravinsky
- Fountains of Rome-Resphigi
- Symphonic Metamorphosis-Hindemith
- Symphony Fantastique-Berlioz
Recommended Solos - Tuba
- Fantasy for Solo Tuba-Malcolm Arnold
- Air & Bouree-Arr. William Bell
- Introduction & Dance-J.E. Barat
- Andante and Rondo-Capuzzi
- Sonata No. 1-Marcello Arr. Little
- Sketches for Tuba & Piano-Martin McFarland
- Sonata for Tuba-Thomas Beversdorf
- Concerto for Tuba-Edward Gregson
- Sonata for Tuba-Walter Hartley
- Sonata fur Tuba und Klavier-Paul Hindemith
- Concerto in One Movement-Lebedev
- Serenade No. 12-Persechetti
- Impromptus-Robert Muczynski
Recommended Studies - Euphonium
- Rochut Melodius Etudes
- Concone/Shoemaker Legato Etudes for Trombone
- Clarke Technical Studies
- Bousquet 36 Celebrated Studies for Baritone or Trombone
- Steven Mead New Concert Studies Vol. I
- Reginald Fink Studies in Legato
- Vladislav Blazehvich: 70 Tuba Studies Vol I (low register training)
- C. Kopprash 60 Selected Studies for Trombone Book 1
- C. Kopprasch 60 Selected Studies for Trombone Book II
- Voxman Selected Studies for Baritone
- H.W. Tyrell 40 Progressive Studies for Trombone
- The Brass Gym
- Michael Davis 20 Minute Warm Up
- Full Range Major/Minor Scales & Arpeggios
- Clef Studies (treble, bass, tenor) Blazevich, Fink etc.
Recommended Excerpts - Euphonium
- Stars & Stripes-Sousa
- Colonial Song-Grainger
- Molly on the Shore-Grainger
- When Jesus Wept-Shuman
- Festive Overture-Shostakovich/Hunsberger
- Toccata Marziale-Vaughan Williams
- Second Suite in F-Holst
- The Planets-Holst
- Bydlo-Mussorgsky/Ravel
- Theme and Variations-Shoenberg
- Roman Carnival Overture-Berlioz/Godfrey III
- Pinapple Poll-Sullivan/Mackerras
- Ein Heldenleben-Strauss
- Don Quixote--Strauss
Recommended Solos - Euphonium
- Rhapsody for Euphonium-James Curnow
- Beautiful Colorado-DeLuca
- A Walk in the Woods-Jiro Censhu
- Fantasy Variations-Ito Yasuhide
- Sonata for Euphonium and Piano-Eric Ewazen
- Concert Piece-P.V. De La Nux
- Andante and Rondo-Capuzzi
- Bassoon Concerto-W.A. Mozart
- Mirror Lake-Edward Montgomery
- Sonata for Unaccompanied Euphonium-Clinard
- Fantasy-Philip Sparke
- Lyric Suite-Donald White
- Variations for Ophicleide-Kummer
- Fantasy Pieces for Euphonium-Derek Bourgeois
- The Green Hill-Bert Appermont
- Graduate Auditions
For Graduate students auditioning to join the program, please prepare a graduate level solo work and 3-5 standard band or orchestral excerpts.
Recommended Excerpts - Tuba
- Stars & Stripes-Sousa
- Toccata Marziale-Vaughan Williams
- The Planets-Holst
- Ein Heldenleben-Strauss
- Ride of the Valkyries-Wagner
- Die Meistersinger Overture-Wagner
- Ein Faust Overture-Wagner
- Symphony No. 5-Prokofiev
- Hungarian March-Berlioz
- Symphony No. 1-Mahler
- Symphony No. 5-Mahler
- Pertroushka-Stravinsky
- Fountains of Rome-Resphigi
- Symphonic Metamorphosis-Hindemith
- Symphony Fantastique-Berlioz
Recomended Excerpts - Euphonium
- Stars & Stripes-Sousa
- Colonial Song-Grainger
- Molly on the Shore-Grainger
- When Jesus Wept-Shuman
- Festive Overture-Shostakovich/Hunsberger
- Toccata Marziale-Vaughan Williams
- Second Suite in F-Holst
- The Planets-Holst
- Bydlo-Mussorgsky/Ravel
- Theme and Variations-Shoenberg
- Roman Carnival Overture-Berlioz/Godfrey III
- Pinapple Poll-Sullivan/Mackerras
- Ein Heldenleben-Strauss
- Don Quixote--Strauss
Recommended Graduate Repertoire - Tuba
- Concerto-Darrol Barry
- Reflections on the Mississippi-Daugherty
- Sonata-DiLorenzo
- Concerto-Ewazen
- Concerto-Vaughan Williams
- Concerto-John Williams
- Alarum-Gregson
- Flute Partita in A minor-JS Bach/Tinkham
- Concerto-Alexandre Arutiunian
- Concertino-Bozza
- Three Furies-James Grant
- Encounters II-Kraft
- Capriccio-Penderecki
- Sonatine-Casterede
- Concertino-Jan Koetsier
Recommended Graduate Repertoire - Euphonium
- Cello Suites-JS Bach
- Fantasia di Concerto-Boccalari
- Partita-Butterworth
- Fantasie Originale-Picchi
- Harlequin-Spark
- Pantomime-Sparke
- Soliloquies-John Stevens
- Concerto-John Stevens
- Concerto-Philip Wilby
- Concerto-Jan Bach
- Euphoria-Derek Bourgeois
- Concerto-Cosma
- Symphonic Variants-Curnow
- Blue Lake Fantasies-Gillingham
- Pearls II-Szentpali
- Alumni
- Jeffrey Barbee - Assessment and Evaluation Specialist, Indiana University School of Medicine
- Angela Craig - Music Teacher at Montgomery Co. Schools
- Adam Goad - Instrumental Music Teacher, RSU 57
- James Jackson - The United States Coast Guard Band
- Aaron Meacham - Medical Physicist, Alyzen Medical Physics
- Brian Meixner - Associate Professor of Music, High Point University
- Ryan Moore - Asbury University
- Denver Pascua - MM Student at Eastman School of Music
- Jonathan Sweet - Assistant Professor of Bands, Purdue University
- Chase Teachey - MM student at Baylor University
- Cody Williams - MM student at the University of Kentucky
- Kevin Allen - Winburn Middle School
- Thomas Bratten - The United States Army Band
- Blake Cooper - Cal. State, Northridge, Los Angeles based Freelance Artist
- Daniel Cox - United States Marines, Japan Fleet Band
- Kelly Diamond - Ret. United States Navy Band
- Brian Ewalt - 202nd Army Band
- David Jaggie - Madison Central High School
- Daniel Johnson - James Monroe High School
- David Hartung - United States Air Force Band of Mid America
- David Kirven - The United States Army Band
- Beth McDonald - Korean Jeans, Seraph Brass, CBS trio, Callithumpian Consort
- Mike McMahon - Band Director, Fairfax Co. Schools
- Chris Miller - Jones Middle School
- Brian Morrison - Retired - Greenwood High School
- Robert Pratt - Music Teacher at LeRoy, IN, Elementary School
- George Palton - Associate Director of Music Admission, Depauw University
- Robbie Reed - Parks and Recreation, Lexington
- JD Salas - Associate Professor of Tuba, Stephen F Austin University
- Colin Teague - MM Student and Teaching Assistant, Florida State University
- Edward Wasson - Retired Band Director
- Student Accomplishments
Former members of the studio have included winners, finalists, and semifinalists of various competitive music festivals, including the Leonard Falcone International Euphonium and Tuba Competition, ITEC Tuba and Euphonium Solo Competitions, ITEC Tuba and Euphonium Quartet Competition, the ITEC Mock Orchestral Auditions, the SERTEC Tuba and Euphonium Solo Competition, the Potomac Music Festival Solo Contest, the Susan Slaughter International Solo Competition, the "Pershing's Own" National Collegiate Solo Competition, the Aspen Music Festival Concerto Competition, and the Yamaha Young Performing Artist Competition, among others. Alumni of the UK Tuba/Euphonium Studio hold major positions at colleges and universities across the country as well as in some of the world's leading musical ensembles.
Recent student achievements include:
Jake Alford- Finalist, Midwestern Regional Tuba-Euphonium Conference (MWRTEC) Tuba Solo Artist Competition
- Semifinalist, Leonard Falcone International Tuba Solo Artist Competition (competition to be completed August 2024)
Ed Carter- Semifinalist, Leonard Falcone International Euphonium Solo Artist Competition (competition to be completed August 2024)
- Semifinalist, Midwestern Regional Tuba-Euphonium Conference (MWRTEC) Euphonium Solo Artist Competition
Parker Dye- Semifinalist, Midwestern Regional Tuba-Euphonium Conference (MWRTEC) Euphonium Solo Artist Competition
Braden Shaw- Semifinalist, Midwestern Regional Tuba-Euphonium Conference (MWRTEC) Euphonium Solo Artist Competition
- Hired as Blue Lake Fine Arts Camp Counselor (Summer 2024)
Jorge Gauvin- 1st place winner, South Central Regional Tuba-Euphonium Conference (SCRTEC) Solo Artist Competition
- Presented a solo recital at Army Tuba-Euphonium Workshop; invited as winner of the Leonard Falcone International Tuba Artist Competition
- Presented a solo recital at SCRTEC
- Presented a solo recital at SERTEC
- Notable Studio Performances
- The UK Tuba-Euphonium Octet, known as the Conner Ensemble, was recently invited to perform as a featured ensemble for the United States Army Band's "Pershing's Own" Tuba-Euphonium Workshop in Washington, DC. On our way to the workshop, we performed a preview ensemble recital concert at James Madison University in Harrisonburg, VA. The Conner Ensemble is named after Rex Conner, the University of Kentucky's first tuba and euphonium teacher. Professor Conner was also the first full time teacher of tuba and euphonium in American history.
- The UK Tuba-Euphonium Ensemble was invited to perform for the Southeastern Regional Tuba-Euphonium Conference, held at Middle Tennessee State University in Murfreesboro, TN, in May 2024.
The University of Kentucky Horn Studio, under the direction of Melanie Kjellsen, is a group of ambitious horn players comprised of undergraduate and graduate music performance and music education majors, including doctoral students, as well as talented non-majors from across the university. Hailing from across the state, country, and international locations, these students maintain a close-knit community of friendship and support, encourage each other, and have fun in the process. Horn students have the opportunity to perform as members of the UK Horn Choir, UK Bands, Wildcat Marching Band, Symphony Orchestra, UK Opera Pit Orchestra, and various chamber ensembles, including brass quintets, woodwind quintets, and horn quartets.
Active in musical activities year-round, members regularly receive acceptances to and participate in summer music programs across the country, such as Eastern Music Festival, Bay View Summer Music Festival, Sewanee Summer Music Festival, and Blue Lake Fine Arts Camp. Additionally, members have marched and medaled with top corps from Drum Corps International, including Bluecoats and Carolina Crown. Graduate students have showcased their work as Contributing Artists at the International Horn Symposium (IHS) and have published articles in The Horn Call: The Journal of the International Horn Society. Upon graduation, UK Horn Studio members have gone on to successful careers across all sectors of The Arts as orchestral performers, college professors, band directors, music educators, military musicians, arts administrators, and music therapists. Alumni include David Sullivan (Associate Principal Horn, Kansas City Symphony), Dr. Briana Pepilascov-Childers (Instructor of Horn, Morehead State University), and John-Morgan Bush (Dean of Extension Programs, The Juilliard School).
Contact Melanie Kjellsen with questions or for more information about joining the UK Horn Studio. All prospective students are eligible to receive one free 30-minute lesson with Professor Kjellsen. The UK Horn Studio values diversity and inclusion.
Melanie Kjellsen

- Undergraduate Auditions
Please prepare:
- Two contrasting works that demonstrate lyrical and technical ability (At least one solo work is required, the second piece can be another solo or etude)
- Major scales up to four sharps and flats
- Possible Sight Reading
Piano accompaniment is not required.
- Graduate Auditions
Masters Auditions
- A 15-20 minute audition consisting of repertoire that demonstrates your ability technically and lyrically
- At least two contrasting solo works (Single movements from larger works are acceptable)
- At least three contrasting standard orchestral excerpts
- Possible sight reading
Doctoral Auditions
- A 20-30 minute audition consisting of repertoire that demonstrates your ability technically and lyrically
- At least three contrasting solo works (Single movements from larger works are acceptable)
- At least five contrasting standard orchestral excerpts
- Possible sight reading
Piano accompaniment is not required.