Audition and Exam Request Form

See the School of Music Admissions page for more information on how to apply and how auditions work.

2025 Entry Audition Dates

Certain instrumental areas may have restrictions on available dates. Up-to-date information on date restrictions can be found on in the Restrictions section on this page. Graduate students are encouraged to audition in January to be eligible for a variety of fellowships.

  • January 24th and 25th, 2025
  • February 14th and 15th, 2025
  • February 21st and 22nd, 2025

If you have read the Music Admissions page and are ready to apply, please read the instructions carefully and fill out this form to request an audition for admissions, scholarships, and graduate entrance exams. This form is NOT for ensemble auditions.
To contact us for any other reason, please use email.

All undergraduate programs require an audition. If you are applying for a graduate program that does not require a performance audition, please use this form to request an Entrance Exam date and ignore the parts relating to the audition. IMPORTANT: If you have not yet applied for admission to the University of Kentucky, please do so. You must be accepted by BOTH the University AND the School of Music.

Your admissions audition serves also as your scholarship audition. You are automatically considered for any scholarships for which you qualify. You do not need to apply separately for a music scholarship except for graduate fellowships and assistantships.

Please be sure review the page of your area of interest and/or instrument for any repertoire requirements before filling out this form.


Some instrumental areas have date limitations. This list changes as information becomes available and audition times fill. Please contact your area of interest and/or instrument faculty if these date restrictions leave you in need of a special audition arrangement.

  • January 25th, 2025 - VOICE AUDITIONS UNAVAILABLE
  • February 14th, 2025 - PIANO AUDITIONS UNAVAILABLE
  • February 22nd, 2025 - VOICE AUDITIONS UNAVAILABLE

Graduate Voice, Graduate Choral Conducting, Graduate Percussion, and Graduate Guitar auditions require a pre-screening submission. Program requirements vary, but submissions may usually be provided either as a mailed DVD or by including links to online hosted materials in your application. A field to include links to materials will become available as you fill out the application, though some programs may require advance submission before applying for an audition. See the relevant areas of study pages for more information on required components, formats, and deadlines.


Indicates required field
If you have your student Wildcard ID, this number should be listed along the bottom. If you have your acceptance materials, this number should be listed in your link blue information. Otherwise, if you do not know your UK ID number, please leave this blank to prevent confusion.


Are you applying for one of our graduate programs?
PLEASE NOTE: You CANNOT apply for a graduate program (Masters or Doctorate) until you have completed a Bachelors degree.

Which undergraduate degree program are you applying for at UK?
This is your preferred program. You may qualify for other programs upon your audition/admission.
This will determine which faculty will hear your audition. If you plan to audition in more than one instrument, please submit a separate form for each audition request and note the fact in the comments field below.
Please select the audition date that works best for you. If there are extenuating circumstances that make these dates impossible, please contact the School of Music or the head of your Area of Study to see if another meeting can be arranged. PLEASE NOTE: Not all instruments can be heard on all dates. Be sure to check limitations in the information above the form. Limitations will be updated as information is available.

This is your preferred program. You may qualify for other programs upon your audition/admission.
This will determine which faculty will hear your audition. If you plan to audition in more than one instrument, please submit a separate form for each audition request and note the fact in the comments field below.
Those applying for Vocal Performance, Choral Conducting, Percussion Performance, and Guitar Performance programs may provide links to their required prescreening materials here.

In addition to the application requirements listed on the Graduate School website, some degree programs require prospective students to take graduate entrance exams at the time of their application in music history, music theory, and/or the area of specialization.  These programs include:  Musicology/Ethnomusicology, Music Theory (including Composition), Music Education, and Music Therapy.  The purpose of these exams is to discern the applicant’s readiness to pursue graduate work in music. Applicants must demonstrate a minimum level of skill and knowledge on the entrance exams in order to be accepted into those programs.

MM and DMA performance applicants are not required to take the entrance exams as part of the application process, but should do so if interested in being considered for a music history or theory TA.  Entering students will take the exams to determine whether they need review classes. 

Please select the audition date that works best for you. If there are extenuating circumstances that make these dates impossible, please contact the School of Music or the head of your Area of Study to see if another meeting can be arranged. PLEASE NOTE: Not all instruments can be heard on all dates. Be sure to check limitations in the information above the form. Limitations will be updated as information is available.

Special arrangements for auditions and exams MUST be made with faculty and/or proctors BEFORE submitting this application.  This option is not for inquiries or tentative scheduling.  Please contact the division or program head in your Area of Study to make any special arrangements.  Questions about graduate entrance exams may be directed to Joanne Filkins.

I have filled out all required fields on this form and filled out all other applicable fields to the best of my current knowledge/ability.
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Created 08/24/2021
Last Updated 02/18/2025