Students in a world music class
The major in music education is the joint concern of the School of Music in the College of Fine Arts and the Department of Curriculum and Instruction in the College of Education. Admission to the program is granted only after the successful completion of an audition in the student's performance area. In addition to completing the required courses, the student must present a half-recital or the equivalent on the major instrument or in voice during or after the sixth semester of study.
Except for a series of three professional education courses, all classes are taught by music professors. The Music Education program at the University of Kentucky is an integrated P–12 initial preparation program. Although music education students may specialize in a given area such as vocal/general or instrumental, all students are certified to teach P–12 music in the state of Kentucky.
For music education majors at UK, even though preparation for teaching is a primary goal, it is equally important that all students are expected to be well-trained musicians. In most cases, there is minimal difference between the performance and academic expectations for music education majors and those who are classified as performance majors. An outstanding performance faculty in voice, keyboard, strings, woodwinds, brass, and percussion provides superior instruction for all music education majors. Relative to the development of musicianship for all music education majors is the experiences of playing in outstanding performing organizations, including the University Chorale, University Choristers, the Men’s and Women’s Choirs, the Symphony Orchestra, the Wind Ensemble, the Symphonic Band, the Wildcat Marching Band, and two nationally renowned Jazz Ensembles.
UK prides itself in educating not only superior teachers but superior teachers/musicians as well. Currently, approximately 50% of the undergraduate music majors at UK are music education majors.
What is TEP?
All applicants for teacher preparation programs complete a standard application process and are assessed through a rigorous interview procedure with a specific program admissions committee. Admittance to TEP gives you access to:
- 300-level courses
- Student teaching
- Graduating with a bachelor's degree in Music Education
Freshman Year Checklist
- If you have a composite ACT score of at least 22, you don’t have to take the Praxis. If you have a Composite of less than 22, then individual scores are considered: Reading (20), Writing/English (18), and Math (19) are passing. If you score less than these cutoffs, then you take the equivalent Praxis Core exam(s), only for the areas of the ACT you did not meet. You do not have to take them all, unless all three of your ACT scores do not meet those cutoffs.
- Consider taking the UK Core PRAXIS Preparation Program to help you prepare for the Praxis core exam. You should get a coupon for $50 off your exam if you complete the program.
- Take and pass all sections of the Praxis Core (combined test) if your ACT scores are not high enough or you didn’t take the ACT. It usually costs about $150, but check the website.
- Maintain a 2.75 GPA
- Email the following to Christopher Reese (christopher.reese@uky.edu) to set up your account in the UK Ed Prep Application:
- First and Last Name
- Date of Birth
- Link Blue ID
- Student Number
- Get a head start on applying to TEP by completing components of the UK Ed Prep Application and the Music Education Portfolio linked in the Sophomore section.
Sophomore Year Checklist
- Enroll in MUS 262 or MUS 263 and EDP 202. You may consider enrolling in MUS 260 as well if you are interested in teaching elementary music. Otherwise you can complete your junior year and stay on track.
- Complete EDP 202, MUS 260 (if you take it) and either MUS 262 or MUS 263 with a C or better.
- Complete 45 credit hours
- Apply to TEP in January/February by submitting two applications:
- UK Ed Prep Application. Contact Mr. Reese (christopher.reese@uky.edu) if you have any questions or problems.
- Music Education Portfolio. Contact Dr. Vasil (martina.vasil@uky.edu) if you have any questions or problems.
- Fall Cycle Music Ed Portfolio, due September 22.
- Spring Cycle Music Ed Portfolio, due January 27.
- Complete the TEP interview (Scheduled this after your applications are in).
Frequently Asked Questions
What if my GPA falls below 2.75?
You will not be in the TEP anymore. You will have to raise your GPA and apply again.
What if I don’t pass one section of the PRAXIS core?
You can retake JUST that section.
What happens if I don’t have passing PRAXIS core scores by January of my sophomore year?
You would have to apply for TEP in the fall of your junior year, which places you in danger of falling behind schedule for your degree completion.
What happens if I don’t pass the interview?
You would interview again during the next TEP cycle. There are two times to apply for TEP each year, in the Fall and the Spring.