George R. Boulden Honor Band Festival: Honors Wind Ensemble Auditions

In order to be considered for the 2025 Honors Wind Ensemble, please fill out the Audition Form in its entirety. A video recording must be submitted within this form. DO NOT COMPLETE THE FORM UNTIL YOUR RECORDING IS READY AND HOSTED ON AN EXTERNAL SERVICE. This recording must be provided as a YouTube or Google Drive link (make sure sharing permissions are on) and include the following:

Woodwinds & Brass

  1. INTRODUCE YOURSELF: State your Name, School, Instrument, and Year in School.
  2. PLAY: Two contrasting etudes or solo excerpts (one lyrical and one technical), combined for a total of 5 minutes maximum.


  1. INTRODUCE YOURSELF: State your Name, School, Instrument, and Year in School
  2. PLAY: Include 5-10 minutes from AT LEAST two areas(excerpts of full works are appropriate). Your completed recorded submission must total 5 minutes minimum. Areas include:
    1. Concert Snare Drum
    2. Mallets
    3. Timpani
    4. Multi-Percussion

Please upload your recording to your preferred site and provide the link IN THE GOOGLE FORM. Your application will not be considered until your audition recording has been submitted.

If accepted, the registration fee is $75/performer. Payment information will be provided upon acceptance.

Submission Deadline: December 5th

We look forward to hearing from you!
Maria Felice
Band and Orchestra Support Specialist 
(859) 257-2263

Created 10/03/2024
Last Updated 12/02/2024