George R. Boulden Honor Band Festival Honors Concert Band Nominations


Thank you for your interest in our 2024 George Boulden Honor Band Festival. You have reached the nomination process for the non-audition Honors Concert Band. This ensemble will be comprised of mostly freshmen and sophomores based on your recommendations. Please limit your recommendations to 9th and 10th graders, and select juniors and seniors, for a total of 20% of your ensemble's size. Rank your student recommendations from top to bottom. Part assignments will be made to properly balance the ensemble based on your order of nomination.

To nominate your students:

  1. Make a copy of THIS SPREADSHEET into Excel document
  2. Complete the information for your nominated students
  3. Save your spreadsheet as an Excel file with your school's name and email it directly to Abby Temple,

Nomination deadline: January 5, 2024

The registration fee is $75/performer. Payment of this fee may come from individuals or home band programs as organized by the band director.

UK bands does not provide housing or transportation for the weekend. Families/band programs are welcome to book their own rooms at any hotel they choose. We have reserved a block at:

Holiday Inn Express & Suites Hotel Downtown
1000 Export Street, Lexington, KY 40504
Phone 859-389-6800
Price $131 per room per night (2 double beds)

Link to book rooms (deadline: January 1, 2024)

A limited shuttle service will be provided to students for transportation from the Holiday Inn Express to the University of Kentucky campus.

We look forward to hearing from you!

Questions? Contact:
Abby Temple 
Administrative Assistant, University of Kentucky Bands

Created 11/08/2023
Last Updated 11/29/2023