UK Opera Theatre presents "A Nation of Others"

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A NATION OF OTHERS, by Paul Moravec and Mark Campbell, premiered in 2022, this powerful work follows the individual stories of immigrants as they pass through Ellis Island on a single day in 1921: Tomasso (Caltagirone, Sicily) seeks a better life for his family away from the poverty of his country; Connor (Tralee, Ireland) escapes the Blacks and Tans who terrorized his hometown. Mr. and Mrs. Nowak (Przemyśl, Poland), an elderly couple, flee the effects of World War I. A boy from Zagreb, Croatia has a bad foot, and his mother Mirjana puts a stone in his shoe to help him pass the health inspection. Masha (Proskurov, Ukraine) escapes the pogroms of her hometown but not the memory of them. Karin (Kvarnberg, Sweden) coaches her two daughters, on the interview process. And finally, in the Ellis Island hospital, Aram (Trabzon, Turkey), wonders how he eluded genocide in his homeland, only to get stricken with tuberculosis before reaching the U.S. Moravec and Campbell are on campus working with our students on this project.

Workshop performance is 50 minutes, followed by a discussion with composer Paul Moravec, Librettist Mark Campbell and Stage Director Dennis Whitehead Darling.

Created 10/24/2024
Last Updated 03/13/2025