American Eurhythmics Society National Conference

Event Date(s)
Ticket Price
Free for full-time CFA students
Poster Image

Join us for the 2024 American Eurhythmics Society National Conference! Dalcroze Eurhythmics is a playful, experiential approach to teaching and learning music through movement. It is a process for awakening, developing, and refining innate musicality through rhythmic movement (often called eurhythmics), ear-training, and improvisation.

The conference is free for full-time CFA students, contact Dr. Vasil for the code at
$60 for non-AES members
$40 for AES members
$15 for non-CFA students

Friday, Oct 11–Saturday, Oct 12, 2024
Room 107 and the dance studio
Registration and Check-In in the Guignol Lobby of the College of Fine Arts (465 Rose Street)

Questions? Contact Dr. Vasil at

Created 09/05/2024
Last Updated 09/09/2024