Musician's Health and Safety

In addition to direction received in private lessons, master classes, and guest lectures it is recommended that students involved with music performance stay abreast of current information and resources relating to musicians’ health and safety through familiarizing themselves with the information sources listed below. With the many hours of daily practice and rehearsals it is vital to be aware of preventative measures that musicians can take to avoid serious problems. Health and safety issues for musicians are organized within a number of areas.

Injury Prevention and Musicians' Health
Protecting Your Hearing Health

Musculoskeletal Health and Injury

Neuromusculoskeletal and Vocal Health

Psychological Health

Equipment and Technology Safety

Students employed as stage managers and audio technicians in the Singletary Center for the Arts must complete a training session on how to safely move pianos, procedures for electrical connections and running amplifiers, and other back-of-stage safety concerns. Contact S.C.F.A. Technical Director Tanya Harper for further information.

Students working as recording technicians for the School of Music must complete a training session relating to safe use of recording equipment. Contact Joel Crawford for further information.

UK Student Health Services

Information pertaining to services and access to UK Healthcare may be obtained at the following web site:

Created 07/12/2021
Last Updated 07/03/2024