School of Music
David Miller is an Assistant Professor of Music Education at the University of Kentucky, where he teaches undergraduate instrumental music education and graduate research courses. Additionally, he supervises student teachers and oversees the New Horizons band and orchestra groups on campus. As an educator, Dr. Miller has a range of experience teaching orchestra and band in North Carolina, including middle school, high school, summer camps, and youth orchestras. He frequently serves as a guest clinician and adjudicator for orchestras. Additionally, Dr. Miller holds appointments as an Assistant Research Scientist at the University of Maryland Music and Arts Education Data Lab (MADLab) and as a staff researcher at the Maryland Longitudinal Data System Center. He has served as a quantitative research consultant and analyst for several grant-funded initiatives addressing topics such as arts educators in the United States and systemic barriers to equity for access to higher education.
Dr. Miller is currently serving on the national board of directors for the American String Teachers Association and holds additional professional memberships with the National Association for Music Education, International Society for Music Education, and the American Education Research Association. Currently, he serves on the editorial board for Arts Education Policy Review and String Research Journal. His research and scholarly interests include equity in music and arts education, teacher labor markets, education policy, music perception and cognition, and creative musicianship in secondary ensemble classrooms. He frequently presents his research at various state, national, and international conferences, and has published his research in the Journal of Research in Music Education, Arts Education Policy Review, Journal of Music Teacher Education, Music Education Research, String Research Journal, and the American String Teacher.
When he is not actively involved in teaching, research, or performance, he enjoys spending his leisure time on culinary adventures. An avid baker, cook, eater, and consumer of all things coffee, he welcomes suggestions for restaurants, recipes, and coffee shops. Above all, he enjoys spending time with his spouse, Nicoletta, and their miniature goldendoodle, Clover.