School of Art and Visual Studies
Dana Giacofci Clark holds an M.F.A. in Printmedia from the Cranbrook Academy of Art and a B.A. in International Affairs and Studio Art from the University of Virginia. Her work, which largely combines traditional intaglio printmaking processes with digital photography and collage, explores cultural narratives and regionalism embedded in images of American landscapes. Her work has been exhibited in the US and abroad including at: The Galleria Harmonia in Jyvaskula, Finland, The Cranbrook Art Museum in Bloomfield Hills, MI, the Cezar Chavez Gallery at San Francisco State University, Pyramid Atlantic Arts Center in Hyattsville, MD, and LexArts in Lexington, KY. Dana writes extensively about print theory and collaborative practice and has contributed to the Journal of the Mid America Print Council.
She currently resides in Lexington, KY and has been teaching foundations and UK Core courses—2D Surface, Drawing, and Introduction to Photographic Literacy--at SAVS since 2014.