To enable credit card transactions to purchase various tickets, memberships, instruction, and other services the UK College of Fine Arts utilizes Jotform as a service provider for registration forms and fee submissions. Learn more about Jotform's certifications and commitment to security. In addition, credit and debit card payments are processed by Authorize.Net, a University of Kentucky vetted and approved secure payment gateway and leader in the online payment processing industry. All credit card details are handled by Authorize.Net's specially encrypted systems and servers.
Some programs support online checkout with the pay-by-check or company purchase order option. Please speak with the program coordinator before registration if you require this method. Payment should be mailed as soon as possible. Late or delayed payment may cause your registration to be canceled. Mail all physical payment to the CFA Integrated Business Unit:
April Robinson
College of Fine Arts Integrated Business Unit
305 Fine Arts Building
465 Rose Street
Lexington, KY 40506-0022
Please include a copy of your registration with the check to ensure proper processing of your payment. Personal and business checks will be held for up to 10 business days to ensure payment clears.
Space in our events, classes, and programs may be limited. While individual cancellations may happen and seats reopen, we cannot guarantee anyone's place in a class or workshop. The College of Fine Arts at UK reserves the right to cancel a class or program when circumstances warrant, including insufficient enrollment. The College of Fine Arts reserves the right to close purchase forms for events if we reach capacity prior to event date. In the event of a cancellation, participants will be notified, and in most cases a refund will be issued. Please see the Refund Policy section below for any program specific exceptions.
Because your privacy is important to us, the University of Kentucky College of Fine Arts operates under these principles:
- We explicitly ask when we need information that personally identifies you ("Personal Information"). For example, to register for programs or events, you will be asked to provide your name, e-mail address, and other information depending on the event and requirements of that specific event. We use this information to generate e-mail messages to inform you of successful registrations and other information related to that event.
- Some transactions such as memberships may automatically subscribe you to a mailing list, physical and/or digital, using the Personal Information you provided upon sign-up. These communications are optional. If you wish to no longer receive communications after providing your personal information you may contact the program by phone or email to request removal from communications lists. Email communications have an unsubscribe link at the bottom of the email that will automatically remove you from email communications without having to directly contact any College of Fine Arts personnel. After an opt-out request has been received and processed, we may still contact you concerning any changes to or problems with your purchase.
- If at any time you believe the college or it's programs have not adhered to these principles, please notify us by email and we will use all reasonable efforts to promptly determine and correct the problem. If you have questions about this policy, please email us.
Unless stated otherwise on the individual registration page for which you are registering, all events, programs, workshops, memberships, or classes accepting payment fees are non-refundable except in the case of a technical error.
Fine Arts Institute Refund and Cancellation Policy
Classes: In the event that the class you signed up for is not what you expected, we offer a risk-free cancellation policy. If you contact us after the first class session and would like to drop the class, we will refund 100% of the class fee. Starting with the 2nd class, no refunds will be offered.
Workshops: 100% refund will be offered if we are contacted by noon on the Friday before a workshop.
Program Cancellation: If a class or workshop is canceled in whole due to low enrollment or other extenuating circumstances, you will be contacted as soon as possible by the program coordinator and a full refund will be issued.
Materials: If you are eligible for a refund on a class with an additional materials fee, use or receipt of materials will change whether you are refunded this fee. If you do not receive materials, such as in cases of cancelling before attending the first class, you will be refunded the materials fee. If you receive or use materials in a class before cancellation, such as in cases of cancelling after attending the first class, you will not be refunded the materials fee. Materials Fees are listed with each class on the Fine Arts Institute page.
Due to the nature of how class and workshop dates flow, the Fine Arts Institute is not able to provide credit toward future classes/workshops if you are unable to attend. It is recommended that you contact to request a withdrawal for a refund within the time frames noted above.
Summer Music Education Programs Refund and Cancellation Policy
In-Person Courses: Each in-person course has a non-refundable application fee of $75. The remainder of the cost of the course can be refunded if we are contacted by noon the Friday before the course starts. Starting with the 2nd day of the course, no refunds will be offered. If you test positive for COVID during the course, we unfortunately cannot issue a refund, but you can roll over your payment to the following year and complete the course then.
Cancellation: If a course is canceled in whole due to low enrollment or other extenuating circumstances, you will be contacted as soon as possible by the program coordinator and a full refund will be issued.
Arts Administration Professional Development Refund Policy
Deferment: After enrollment and payment but prior to the start of a course, participants may request a deferral to the next available delivery of the same course. A maximum of three deferments may be requested. After three deferments, the participant forfeits the payment. Participants may request a deferral by emailing
Refund: If a withdrawal from a course is requested prior to the start of a course, a refund (minus a 10% processing fee) will be granted. No refunds are granted after the start of the course. Participants may request a refund by emailing