Shaping Space
Dance courses enhance critical thinking and analytical skills, cooperation and teamwork, self-expression and self-esteem, organization and problem solving, and cultural literacy. They are also a great addition to opera and theater students who want to expand their skills and market themselves as versatile performers.
Several classes are available in modern, musical theatre, ballet and more, as well as an "Introduction to Dance" course under the UK Core Creativity and the Arts curriculum. Prospective dance minors are not required to audition, however if they would like to be placed in a more advanced level they can contact the Director of Dance, Susie Thiel, or the instructor of the course they wish to register. Once a major is declared, students can declare a dance minor with their advisor or by contacting the Director of Dance, Susie Thiel, email, 859-257-3298. Check the official UK Catalog listing for full course requirements and other information.